Conferences, Publications, and Awards
Emory Writing Program Eagle Award for First-Year Writers
An instructor-nominated award open to first-year writing students at Emory:- “This May, Emory Writing Program will award one winner a $500 Prize for the best work in an Emory First-Year Writing course!
- Four runners-up will also be selected and recognized at the English and Creative Writing Departments’ annual Awards Night.
- Any major project composed in ENG 101, ENG 181, and CPLT 110 is eligible. EWP instructors may enter two projects per section taught. Eagle-recognized projects will be posted to an Emory Writing Program website and featured for use as exemplary compositions in EWP classrooms.”
- Contact: Daniel Bosch, dbosch@emory.edu
- "The Norton Writer’s Prize will be awarded annually for an outstanding essay written by an undergraduate. Literacy narratives, literary and other textual analyses, reports, profiles, evaluations, arguments, memoirs, proposals, mixed-genre pieces, and more: any excellent writing done for an undergraduate writing class will be considered.
- One first-prize winner and two runners-up will be selected in 2019.
- The winner will receive a cash award of $1,500. Two runners-up will each receive a cash award of $1,000."
- Instructor-nominated.
- Ordinary deadline: June
South Atlantic Modern Language Association Undergraduate Student Essay Award
- Open to presenters at the SAMLA Undergraduate Research Forum.
- “Session Chairs or Respondents are invited to nominate an outstanding undergraduate participant from the SAMLA 90 Undergraduate Research Forum for the Undergraduate Student Essay Award. The Undergraduate Student Essay Award includes a $125 honorarium, publication in SAMLA News, and complimentary conference registration” (for the following year’s SAMLA conference).
Butler Undergraduate Research Conference Competitive Papers Award
Open to presenters at the Butler URC:- “If you have a completed research project and would like to submit a competitive paper, select ‘Oral Presentation,’ select ‘Competitive Paper’ as your discipline, and then insert your abstract.
- Once you have registered, you must e-mail your completed paper as an attachment to urc@butler.edu no later than 11:59 PM EDT Feb. 15 or it will not be reviewed or presented.
- All papers submitted for competitive review will be evaluated by faculty. The four highest-ranking papers will be featured in a ‘Top Four Competitive Papers’ session.
- The author(s) of the highest-ranking will be awarded $300; the author(s) of the second-highest ranked paper will be awarded $150, and the authors of the third and fourth highest ranked paper will be awarded $50.”
National Undergraduate Literature Conference (NULC)
- “Each year, nearly 200 undergraduate writers and poets throughout North America, and sometimes beyond, come to Weber State University to present their work and learn from some of the most important writers in contemporary literature.”
- The conference takes place in Ogden, UT, at Weber State University
- Ordinary deadline: January. The conference takes place in March.
Butler University Undergraduate Research Conference
- Multidisciplinary conference allowing oral (summary of a research paper), poster, and roundtable presentation formats. Also funds a competitive writing award.
- Conference takes place in Indianapolis, IN, at Butler University.
- Ordinary deadline: February. The conference takes place in April.
Blue Ridge Undergraduate Research Conference
A conference open to any discipline:- “Undergraduate students from institutions throughout the Southern Appalachian region come together to present their research in a professional forum. Students may present a paper presentation, an artwork, or a poster presentation.”
- Ordinary deadline: March. The conference takes place in April.
South Atlantic Modern Language Association Undergraduate Research Forum
- Part of the annual SAMLA conference, the Undergraduate Research Forum allows undergraduate students “to present traditional papers in the standard session format with the added benefit of an informed response to both their content and presentation skills. A senior SAMLA member will serve as respondent for each Undergraduate Research Forum session.”
- Ordinary deadline: July. The conference takes place in November.
Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research
- “The Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes original, scholarly research undertaken by undergraduates from any college or university. BJUR builds upon and strengthens Butler’s commitment to quality undergraduate research by providing an outlet for the publication of outstanding undergraduate scholarship across the humanities, social and natural sciences.”
- Multidisciplinary journal; submission requires an accompanying letter from a faculty member.
- “Students in the southeastern region of the United States — including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia — are invited to submit original work that has been presented at a conference, showcase, or capstone course either on their own campus or at a regional/national conference site.
- Original research papers and creative works are welcome from all departments and disciplines.”
- Ordinary deadline: February.
Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal
- “[A]n annual, peer-reviewed publication of research articles from all academic fields. The mission of SURJ is to encourage, recognize, and reward intellectual activity beyond the classroom while providing a forum for the exchange of research and ideas.
- Our journal is run entirely by a staff team of Stanford undergraduate students, led by two Editors-in-Chief.”
- Ordinary deadline: January
Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research
The Undergraduate Journal of Contemporary Issues and Media
Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism
“Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism seeks original, well-researched, and intellectually rigorous essays written from diverse critical perspectives and about texts from any time period or literary tradition.”
Special-issue based and peer-reviewed. Annual publication with an ordinary deadline of January.
Based out of the University of Pittsburgh, Forbes & Fifth “unites works of research, creative writing, and scholarly articles under the banner of interdisciplinary collaboration.”
The Madison Journal of Literary Criticism
“The Madison Journal of Literary Criticism is an international publication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison devoted to publishing outstanding essays of undergraduate literary analysis.”
“The Oswald Review is a refereed undergraduate journal of criticism and research. Published annually, it accepts submission in the field of English from undergraduates in this country and abroad. A faculty member's endorsement is required.”
UC Berkeley Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal
A journal which “publishes premier undergraduate research in comparative texts and media, treating a broad range of topics including, but not limited to, theoretical literary discourse, international trends in literature, and comparisons of national literature.”
“The Peer Review is a fully online, open-access, multimodal scholarly journal that promotes the work of emerging writing center researchers. In particular, we target graduate/undergraduate/high school researchers. While we welcome Writing Center directors and administrators as co-authors, the journal’s overall purpose is to forward the work of new voices in the field.”
“We seek thought-provoking pieces from any disciplinary perspective that explore questions and problems related to writing, rhetoric, reading, pedagogy, and teacher-training, literacy broadly conceived, popular culture and media, community discourses, and multimodal and digital composing. We expect that the work will be informed by critical conversations relevant to the topic–that is, composers should incorporate timely, pertinent research to support claims. In addition, we welcome projects that experiment with form, voice, style, and delivery.”
A recently-founded journal for students in writing, rhetoric, and technical communication. “The name ‘RhetTech’ refers to the genres of works our journal accepts: ‘Rhet’ refers to Rhetoric, and ‘Tech’ refers to Technical Communication. We accept a variety of content, including text-based essays, videos, podcasts, photo essays, reviews, websites, blogs, and many more. We encourage student writers to utilize all of the tools at their disposal to communicate the messages they wish to share with readers.”
“We publish work that engages with and supplements current research in the fields of technical communication, rhetoric, composition, Writing Across the Curriculum, and writing center administration and tutoring. We know that many students in first-year writing classes and seminars complete final analytic research papers on a variety of subjects that galvanize debate in our culture. Yet, these types of papers are not the kinds of scholarly studies that deal specifically with practices of writing and argumentation that we seek to publish in Xchanges.”
Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric
Photo: "Mistaken Identity," handmade book, Flannery O'Connor papers, Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, & Rare Book Library.