Funding for Graduate Study
All graduate students who are admitted to the English Department at Emory are funded for five years through a Graduate School Fellowship: Standard Fellowship, Centennial Fellowship, Woodruff Fellowship, or Laney Fellowship. All fellowships come with a 12-month annual stipend, full tuition remission, and health insurance.
Students who are beyond their initial 5-year funding package can apply for a sixth year of funding through a number of competitive Laney Completion fellowships for advanced students. The details of these fellowships — the application deadlines, responsibilities, and levels of funding — change from year to year.
The Graduate School makes regular announcements about these opportunities via email and often sponsors information meetings about applying for these fellowships. The most current information about application processes and guidelines can be found on the Laney Graduate School website.
Photo: Handwritten manuscript of The Color Purple, Alice Walker papers, Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, & Rare Book Library.