
Oscar Asche as Claudius
Wilson Barrett as Hamlet
Wilson Barrett as Hamlet
Constance Benson as Ophelia
Sir Frank Benson as Hamlet
Sir Frank Benson as Hamlet
Sir Frank Benson as Hamlet
Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet
Lily Brayton as Ophelia
Hutin Britton as Ophelia
Hutin Britton as Ophelia
Alfred Brydone as the ghost
Mrs. Patrick Campbell as Ophelia
Mrs. Patrick Campbell as Ophelia
S. A. Cookson as Horatio
Frances Dillon as Gertrude
Frances Dillon as Gertrude
Gertrude Elliott as Ophelia
Gertrude Elliott as Ophelia
J. Forbes-Robertson as Hamlet
J. Forbes-Robertson as Hamlet
J. Forbes-Robertson as Hamlet
J. Forbes-Robertson as Hamlet
J. Forbes-Robertson as Hamlet
J. Forbes-Robertson as Hamlet
Martin Harvey as Hamlet
Martin Harvey as Hamlet
Martin Harvey as Hamlet
Martin Harvey as Hamlet
Martin Harvey as Hamlet
Halliwell Hobbes as Horatio
Sir Henry Irving as Hamlet
H. B. Irving as Hamlet
Matheson Lang as Hamlet
Matheson Lang as Hamlet
Matheson Lang as Hamlet
Matheson Lang as Hamlet
Matheson Lang as Hamlet
Matheson Lang as Osric (?)
Marie Lohr as Ophelia
Robert B. Mantell as Hamlet
Robert B. Mantell as Hamlet
Julia Marlowe as Ophelia
Eric Mayne as Claudius
Ernest Milton as Hamlet
Frank Rodney as Laertes
Frank Rodney as Laertes
Frederick Ross as the ghost
Edmund Russell as Hamlet
N. de Silva as Ophelia
N. de Silva as Ophelia
E. H. Sothern as Hamlet
E. H. Sothern as Hamlet
E. H. Sothern as Hamlet
E. H. Sothern as Hamlet
William Stack as Hamlet
Lyall Swete as Polonius
Ellen Terry as Ophelia
Beerbohm Tree as Hamlet
Beerbohm Tree as Hamlet
Arthur Whitby as Claudius
Arthur Whitby as Claudius
Harcourt Williams as Horatio
Harcourt Williams as Horatio

Productions of Hamlet

1890. Hamlet. Frank R. Benson's production of Hamlet opened at The Globe Theatre (London) on March 6 and ran until April 18. Benson played Hamlet, and the other principal players were Charles Cartwright as Claudius, George F. Black as Polonius, Herbert Ross as Laertes, Otho Stuart as Horatio, Stephen Phillips as the ghost, Ada Ferrar as Gertrude, and Mrs. F. R. Benson as Ophelia (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 14).

1891. Wilson Barrett's production of Hamlet with him in the title role ran at the Olympic Theatre (London) for ten performances from April 13 until April 18; the play was revived in May for three performances. The cast included Austin Melford as Claudius, Louise Moodie as Gertrude, Winifred Emery as Ophelia, Stafford Smith as Polonius, H. Cooper Cliffe as Laertes, and S. Miller Kent as Horatio (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 111).

1892. Herbert Beerbohm Tree played Hamlet in his production of the play at the Haymarket Theatre (London) for 116 performances (January 21 until May 28). F. H. Macklin appeared as Claudius, Henry Kemble as Polonius, Arthur Dacre as Horatio, and Fred Terry and Robb Harwood as Laertes. Mrs. H. B. Tree played Ophelia and Rose Leclercq Gertrude (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 187-8).

1897. Ben Greet directed an independent theatre company's production of Hamlet at the Olympic Theatre (London); it opened on May 10 and ran for eighteen performances. Hamlet was played by Nutcombe Gould, Ophelia by Lily Hanbury, Claudius by Frank Dyall, Gertrude by Mary Allestree, Ben Greet as Polonius, George R. Foss as Laertes, and Alfred Kendrick as Horatio (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 655).

1897. Herbert Beerbohm Tree played Hamlet in his production of the play at Her Majesty's Theatre (London) in two performances in August. Mrs. Tree played Ophelia, and the other principle parts were played by S. A. Cookson as Claudius, E. Holman Clark as Polonius, and Frances Ivor as Gertrude (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 684).

1897. Johnston Forbes-Robertson played Hamlet and Mrs. Patrick Campbell played Ophelia in Forbes-Robertson's production of Hamlet at the Lyceum Theatre (London); the play opened on September 11 and ran for 86 performances. Claudius was played by H. Cooper Cliffe, Gertrude by Charlotte Granville, Polonius by J. H. Barnes, Horatio by Harrison Hunter, and Laertes by Bernard Gould (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 687-8).

1898. Johnston Forbes-Robertson revived his production of Hamlet at the Lyceum Theatre (London) on November 7 for fifteen performances. He played Hamlet and Mrs. Patrick Campbell played Ophelia. Others in the cast were Bernard Gould as Claudius, Cecil Cromwell as Gertrude, Robert Taber as Laertes, Berte Thomas as Horatio, and J. H. Barnes as Polonius (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 770).

1899. Sarah Bernhardt performed her celebrated Hamlet at the Adelphi Theatre (London); the play opened on June 12 and Bernhardt gave 16 performances. The translation and adaptation of Hamlet was by Eugene Morand and Marchel Schwob (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 813-14).

1899. Wilson Barrett played Hamlet at the Lyceum Theatre (London) from December 12 to the 16. Ophelia was played by Maud Jeffries, Claudius by J. Carter Edwards, Gertrude by Alida Cortelyou, Polonius by Horace Hodges, and Horatio by Basil Gill (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 846).

1900. On March 8, Johnston Forbes-Robertson played Hamlet for the first time in New York City at the Knickerbocker Theatre; Gertrude Elliott played Ophelia (Loney, I, 3).

1900. Frank Benson's troupe performed Hamlet 6 times in March at the Lyceum Theatre (London). Benson played Hamlet and his wife Constance Benson played Ophelia. Other regulars in his company were Oscar Asche as Claudius, Ada Ferrar as Gertrude, and Frank Rodney as Laertes. The other plays in that season at the Lyceum were Henry V, Twelfth Night, and Antony and Cleopatra. An interesting note is that a young Isadora Duncan played one of the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 12, and Loney, I, 3 ).

1900. E. H. Sothern played Hamlet for the first time in New York City at the Garden Theatre on September 17. Virginia Harned played Ophelia (Loney, i, 4).

1901. Frank Benson's abridged version of Hamlet played at the Comedy Theatre (London) for ten performances (March 27-April 8). Benson played Hamlet, his wife Constance Benson played Ophelia, Oscar Asche Claudius. The cast also included Elsie Chester as Gertrude, Alfred Brydone as Polonius, and Frank Rodney as Laertes (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 81).

1902. Johnston Forbes-Robertson played Hamlet in his production of the play in July at the Lyric Theatre in London. Ophelia was played by Gertrude Elliott (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 173).

1905. On April 4 Henry Irving opened in Otho Stuart's revival of Hamlet at the Adelphi Theatre, London. On July 4 Frank Benson moved into the Adelphi for The Comedy of Errors; Ortho Stuart then returned to the Adelphi with a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream (Loney, I, 27).