Twelfth Night

Ryder Boys (unidentified part)
Lily Brayton as Viola
Mrs. Colburn as Viola
Margaret Halstan as Viola

Productions of Twelfth Night

1894. Augustin Daly's popular production of Twelfth Night ran for 111 performances at the Daly Theatre (London); it opened January 8 and closed on April 28. Ada Redan, who played Viola, was a popular actress, as was Violet Vanbrugh, who played the Countess Olivia. The rest of the cast included John Craig as Orsino, Sidney Herbert as Sebastian, James Lewis as Sir Toby Belch, Herbert Gresham as Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Catherine Lewis as Maria, and Lloyd Daubigny as Feste (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 372).

1900. Frank Benson's troupe performed Twelfth Night 7 times in March at the Lyceum Theatre (London). Benson played Malvolio, his wife Constance Viola, Lily Brayton Olivia, Frank Rodney Feste, and G. R. Weir Sir Toby Belch. The company also played Henry V, Hamlet,, and Antony and Cleopatra. An interesting note is that a young Isadora Duncan played one of the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 15, and Loney, I, 3).

1901. Herbert Beerbohm Tree's production of Twelfth Night ran at Her Majesty's Theatre (London) from February 5 until June 1 for a total of 125 performances. Tree played Malvolio, with Maud Jeffries as Olivia, Lily Brayton as Viola, Lionel Brough as Sir Toby Belch, Norman Forbes as Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and Courtice Pounds and F. Percival Stevens as Feste (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 73-4).

Tree again played Malvolio in his company's revival of Twelfth Night at Her Majesty's Theatre. The play ran for sixteen performances (October 7-19) with Courtice Pounds as Feste, Maude Jeffries as Olivia, Lily Brayton as Viola, Gerald Lawrence as Orsino, and Lionel Brough as Sir Toby Belch. The critics seemed most impressed by the elegant costumes and the ornate stage-settings (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 124, and Loney, I, 8).

1902. In April Frank Benson presented seven Shakespeare plays at the Stratford-upon-Avon Festival, among them Twelfth Night and Henry VIII. Ellen Terry made her debut at the Stratford Theatre as Queen Katharine (Loney, i, 12-3).

1902. Beerbohm Tree's company presented eight performances of Twelfth Night in June at Her Majesty's Theatre, London. Tree played Malvolio, with Lily Brayton as Viola (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 164).

1902. A single matinee performance (August 11) of Twelfth Night at the Royalty Theatre, London, featured Charles Fry as Malvolio and Patrick Monroe as Sir Toby Belch. Viola was played by Olive Kennett (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 191).

1904. February 8. Charles Frohman presented Viola Allen in Twelfth Night for a two-week run at the Knickerbocker Theatre in New York City; Frohman then replaced the cast with Ben Greet's company and played for another two weeks. Edith Matthison replaced Viola Allen as Viola (Loney, I, 22).

1907. On March 4 Ben Greet's company returned to New York City's Garden Theatre. The plays in repertory included Macbeth, As You Like It, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Merchant of Venice. Among Greet's players were Sybil Thorndyke, Julia Perkins, and Sidney Greenstreet (Loney, i, 37).