A Midsummer Night's Dream

Lily Brayton as Helena
Donald Calthrop as Puck
Beatrice Ferrar as Puck
Walter Hampden as Oberon
Annie Russell as Puck

Productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream

1895. Augustin Daly's run of 21 performances at Daly's Theatre (London) opened July 9. The players were George Clarke as Theseus, Frank Worthing as Demetrius, John Craig as Lysander, James Lewis as Bottom, Maxine Elliott as Hermia, Ada Rehan as Helena, Percy Haswell as Oberon, Sybil Carlyle as Titania, and Lillian Swain as Puck.

1900. Beerbohm Tree's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream ran for 153 performances (January 10-May 26) at Her Majesty's Theatre (London); Tree played Bottom and his wife played Titania. Other players in his company were William Mollison as Theseus, Dorothea Baird as Helena, Gerald Lawrence as Demetrius, Sarah Brooke as Hermia, Lewis Waller as Lysander, Julia Neilson as Oberon, and Louie Ferrar as Puck (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 2).

1900. Frank Benson's company gave seven performances of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Lyceum Theatre (London) in February; Benson played Lysander and his wife Constance Benson played Titania. Others in the cast were Lily Brayton as Helena, Ada Ferrar as Hermia, H. R. Hignett as Demetrius, Kitty Loftus as Puck, and Frank Rodney as Oberon. The other plays were Henry V, Hamlet, Twelfth Night, and Antony and Cleopatra. An interesting note is that a young Isadora Duncan played one of the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Loney, I, 3).

1905. On April 4 Henry Irving opened in Otho Stuart's revival of Hamlet at the Adelphi Theatre, London. On July 4 Frank Benson moved into the Adelphi for The Comedy of Errors; Ortho Stuart then returned to the Adelphi with a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream (Loney, I, 27).