The Merchant of Venice

Arthur Bourchier as Shylock
Alexandra Carlisle as Portia
Mrs. Colburn as Portia
Basil Gill as Bassanio
Sir Henry Irving as Shylock
Sir Henry Irving as Shylock
Sir Henry Irving as Shylock
Robert B. Mantell as Shylock
Robert B. Mantell as Shylock
Francis G. Peddie as Shylock
Edmund Tennant as Lorenzo
Ellen Terry as Portia
Herbert Beerbohm Tree as Shylock
Violet Vanbrugh as Portia

Productions of The Merchant of Venice

1890. A single performance of The Merchant of Venice was given on August 8 at the Royalty Theatre (London). Charles Cameron played Shylock with Ernest N. Abbott as Antonio, Norman Clark as Bassanio, Olive Stettith as Portia, and Mrs. Gordon Ascher as Nerissa (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 62).

1893. Between June 3 and July 17 Henry Irving presented nine performances of The Merchant of Venice at the Lyceum Theatre (London). Irving played Shylock and Ellen Terry played Portia. William Terriss played as Bassanio, William Haviland as Antonio, Kate Phillips as Nerissa, and Amy Coleridge as Jessica (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 316).

1893. There was one performance of The Merchant of Venice at the Opera Comique (London) on July 11; Herbert Waring played Shylock and Ethel Verne Portia (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 338).

1895. A single matinee performance of The Merchant of Venice was given on October 17 at the Gaiety Theatre (London). The principle players were Charles Pond as Shylock, Ettie Williams as Portia, J. A. Rosier as Antonio, and Frank Gillmore as Bassanio.

1895. Henry Irving's production of The Merchant of Venice opened at the Lyceum Theatre (London) on June 17 and ran for seven performances. Henry Irving played as Shylock, Ellen Terry as Portia, Frank Cooper as Bassanio, William Haviland as Antonio, and Maud Milton as Nerissa (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 487).

1896. Edward Hastings directed a production of The Merchant of Venice in a matinee performance at the Duke of York's Theatre (London) on June 25. Charles Pond played as Shylock, Edward Ferris as Antonio, Frank Gillmore as Bassanio, and Ettie Williams as Portia (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 581-2).

1897. The Merchant of Venice with Bernard Copping as Shylock, Jack Haddon as Bassanio, Ernest K. Nelson as Antonio, V. St. Laurence as Portia, and Geraldine Montrose as Nerissa at the Novelty Theatre (London) on May 17 for a run of five performances (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 659).

1897. Ben Greet managed a production of The Merchant of Venice that opened at the Olympic Theatre (London) on May 26 and ran for eight performances. Members of the cast were George R. Foss as Antonio, Nutcombe Gould as Shylock, Alfred Kendrick as Bassanio, Lily Hanbury as Portia, and Mary C. MacKenzie as Nerissa (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 663).

1897. Henry Irving played Shylock in his revival of The Merchant of Venice at the Lyceum Theatre (London); the play opened July 15 for three performances. Ellen Terry played Portia, F. H. Macklin Antonio, Frank Cooper Bassanio, and Maud Milton Nerissa (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 681).

1898. Henry Irving played Shylock and Ellen Terry Portia in another revival of The Merchant of Venice that opened at the Lyceum Theatre (London) and ran for 48 performances (February 17-April 26). Others in the cast were F. H. Macklin as Antonio, Frank Cooper as Bassanio, and Maud Milton as Nerissa (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 719-20).

1900. On April 23 Frank Benson and his company began the annual Shakespeare Festival at Stratford-upon-Avon. Among the players were Marion Terry as Rosalind in As You Like it and John Coleman as Pericles. The company also performed Othello, Macbeth, and The Merchant of Venice (Loney, I, 3).

1900. Henry Irving produced seven performances (July 17-28) of The Merchant of Venice at the Lyceum Theatre (London); he played Shylock and Ellen Terry played Portia. Laurence Irving took the part of Antonio, and Arthur Royston played Bassanio (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 45).

1901. Frank Benson's company presented thirteen performances (January 16-February 12) of The Merchant of Venice at the Comedy Theatre (London). Benson played Shylock and Eleanor Calhoun took the part of Portia. Antonio was played by Alfred Brydone and Bassanio by Frank Rodney (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 72).

1902. In June Henry Irving's company presented The Merchant of Venice at the Lyceum Theatre, London. Sir Henry played Shylock, with Laurence Irving as Antonio, Tyrone Power as Bassanio, and Ellen Terry as Portia (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 167).

1905. Frank Benson opened a three-week Shakespeare Festival at Stratford-upon-Avon with The Merchant of Venice. Henry Irving was to play Shylock, but had to withdraw due to illness; Frank Benson substituted as Shylock. The Comedy of Errors was revived at the Festival for the first time since 1884 (Loney, I, 27).

1905. April 29 marked the beginning of Sir Henry Irving's last London season. His illustrious career in Shakespeare ended with his playing Shylock, a role for which he was famous (Loney, I, 27).

1907. On March 4 Ben Greet's company returned to New York City's Garden Theatre. The plays in repertory included Macbeth, As You Like It, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Merchant of Venice. Among Greet's players were Sybil Thorndyke, Julia Perkins, and Sidney Greenstreet (Loney, i, 37).