
Constance Benson as Lady Macbeth
Frank Benson as Macbeth
Robert B. Mantell as Macbeth
Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth
Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth
Violet Vanbrugh as Lady Macbeth
Herbert Beerbohm Tree as Macbeth

Productions of Macbeth

1895. Henry Irving's Macbeth with Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth and Irving as Macbeth opened at the Lyceum Theatre (London) on July 24 for three performances. Frank Cooper played Macduff and F. H. Macklin Banquo (Wearing I, 502-3).

1897. Ben Greet managed a production of Macbeth that opened at the Olympic Theatre (London) on May 31 and ran for seven performances. Macbeth was played by Louis Calvert, Lady Macbeth by Laura Johnson, Duncan by W. R. Staveley, and Macduff by Frank Rodney (Wearing, II, 665).

1898. Johnston Forbes-Robertson played Macbeth in his production of the play that opened on September 17 at the Lyceum Theatre (London); Macbeth ran for 58 performances. Lady Macbeth was played by Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Macduff by Robert Taber, Malcom by John Martin Harvey, and Banquo by Bernard Gould (Wearing, II, 762).

1900. On April 23 Frank Benson and his company began the annual Shakespeare Festival at Stratford-upon-Avon. Among the players were Marion Terry as Rosalind in As You Like it and John Coleman as Pericles. The company also performed Othello, Macbeth, and The Merchant of Venice (Loney, I, 3).

1903. Frank Benson opened a two-week Shakespeare Festival season at Stratford-upon-Avon on April 20. Among the plays his troupe presented were Hamlet, The Winter's Tale, Macbeth, The Merry Wives of Windsor, and A Midsummer Night's Dream (Loney, I, 16).

1907. On March 4 Ben Greet's company returned to New York City's Garden Theatre. The plays in repertory included Macbeth, As You Like It, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Merchant of Venice. Among Greet's players were Sybil Thorndyke, Julia Perkins, and Sidney Greenstreet (Loney, i, 37).