Henry V

Constance Benson as Katherine of France
Sir Frank Benson as Henry
Richard Mansfield as Henry
William Mollison as Pistol
Lewis Waller as Henry
Lewis Waller as Henry
Lewis Waller as Henry
Lewis Waller as Henry

1900. Frank Benson's company gave 7 performances of Henry V in February at the Lyceum Theatre (London) with Benson as Henry and his wife Constance as Katherine. Other familiar names in the cast were Matheson Lang as Montjoy, Henry Ainley as the Duke of Gloster, Oscar Asche as Pistol, and Lily Brayton as Alice (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 8-9) As well as this play, they presented A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Twelfth Night, and Antony and Cleopatra. An interesting note is that a young Isadora Duncan played one of the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream (Loney, I, 3).

1900. J. Comyns as managing director presented 80 performances of Henry V with Lewis Waller playing the part of Henry. The play ran at the Lyceum Theatre (London) from December 22, 1900 until March 16, 1901. Others in the cast were William Mollison as Pistol, E. M. Robson as Fluellen, Alexander Calvert as Gower, Gordon Doone as Jamy, and Lily Hanbury as the Chorus. Sarah Brooke played Katherine of France. The critics called the performance a "genuine and complete success" (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 67-8, and (Loney, I, 4).

1901. April 15 marked the opening of Frank Benson's festival season at Stratford-upon-Avon. The company presented for the first time at Stratford a cycle of the history plays: King John, Richard II, Henry IV, Part 2, Henry V, Henry VI, Part 2, and Richard III. The company presented five other plays as well, including Much Ado About Nothing (Loney, I, 8).

1901. William Poel's Elizabethan Stage Society presented Henry V at the Burlington Gardens Theatre, London, on November 15. In keeping with the Society's founding principles, the play was done as it would have been in Shakespeare's time, with a minimum of scenery and props, lavish contemporary Elizabethan costuming, a thrust-stage, and an all-male cast (Loney, I, 8).