Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2

Productions of Henry IV

1896. Herbert Beerbohm Tree's company gave 29 performances (May through November) of Henry IV, Part 1 at the Haymarket Theatre (London). Tree played Sir John Falstaff, William Mollison Henry IV, Frank Gillmore Hal, Lewis Waller Hotspur, Mrs. Tree Lady Hotspur, and Kate Phillips and Alice Kingsley Mistress Quickly (Wearing, I, 561-2).

1901. April 15 marked the opening of Frank Benson's festival season at Stratford-upon-Avon. The company presented for the first time at Stratford a cycle of the history plays: King John, Richard II, Henry IV, Part 2, Henry V, Henry VI, Part 2, and Richard III. The company presented five other plays as well, including Much Ado About Nothing (Loney, I, 8).