Julius Caesar

Maurice Colbourne as Brutus
Dorothy Green as Portia
Alfred Harris as Casca
Stanley Lathbury as Julius Caesar
Robert B. Mantell as Brutus
Robert B. Mantell as Brutus
Herbert Beerbohm Tree as Marc Antony
Lewis Waller as Brutus

Productions of Julius Caesar

1892. Edmund Tearle presented Julius Caesar at the Olympic Theatre (London) on April 16; Tearle played Brutus and the play ran for seven performances until April 23. The other players were W. S. Hardy as Marc Antony, A. Gow Bentinck as Julius Caesar, Cyril Grier as Octavius Caesar, and Theresa Osborne as Portia (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 208).

1898. Herbert Beerbohm Tree played Marc Antony in this production of Julius Caesar at Her Majesty's Theatre (London); the play ran from January 22 until June 18, with a total of 161 peformances. The other players were Charles Fulton as Julius Caesar, Lewis Waller as Brutus, Louis and Alexander Calvert as Casca, and Evelyn Millard as Portia (Wearing, 1890-99, II, 714-15).

1900. Beerbohm Tree's company gave 52 performances of Julius Caesar between September 6 and October 27. Tree played Marc Antony, J. C. Murray Caesar, Lewis Waller Brutus, and Mrs. Tree Calpurnia (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 48).

1907. On March 4 Ben Greet's company returned to New York City's Garden Theatre. The plays in repertory included Macbeth, As You Like It, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Merchant of Venice. Among Greet's players were Sybil Thorndyke, Julia Perkins, and Sidney Greenstreet (Loney, i, 37).