As You Like It

Henry Ainley as Orlando
Lily Brayton as Rosalind
Lily Brayton as Rosalind
Mirianne Caldwell as Audrey
Margaret Halstan as Rosalind
Lillie Langtry as Rosalind
Gerald Lawrence as Orlando
Courtice Pounds as Touchstone
Ada Rehan as Rosalind
E. Harcourt Williams as Orlando

Productions of As You Like It

1890. As You Like It with Lily Langtry as Rosalind opened at the St. James's Theatre (London) on February 24 and ran until April 30. The principal players were Henry Arncliffe and Arthur Bourchier as Jaques, Laurence Cautley as Orlando, Charles Sugden as Touchstone, Charles Fulton as the Duke, Amy McNeil as Celia, and Marion Lea as Audrey (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 13).

1890. Henry Irving leased the theatre and Richard Dorney as acting manager presented As You Like It at the Lyceum Theatre (London). The play ran from July 15 to August 4, 1890, for a total of 21 performances. The players were John Drew as Orlando, Ada Rehan as Rosalind, James Lewis as Touchstone, Charles Wheatleigh as the Duke, William Sampson as Jaques, Isabel Irving as Audrey, and Adelaide Prince as Celia.

1891. Mrs. Patrick Campbell played Rosalind in a matinee performance of As You Like It at the Shaftesbury Theatre (London) on June 18. Others in the cast were Frank Worthing as Orlando, Ben Greet as Touchstone, Violet Raye as Celia, and Alexes Leighton as Audrey (Wearing,1890-99, I, 136). 1891. Henry Irving's As You Like It opened on November 3 at the Lyceum Theatre (London) and ran until November 12. Ada Rehan played Rosalind and John Drew Orlando. The rest of the cast included James Lewis as Touchstone, George Clarke and Ralph Nisbet as Jacques, Adelaide Prince as Celia, and Isabel Irving as Audrey (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 164).

1894. Leonard Outram's production of As You Like It at the Prince of Wales's Theatre (London) must of have been a bit of a novelty: the entire cast was female. Ada Ferrar played Orlando, Naomi Hope Jacques, Frances Ivor Rosalind, Gladys Ffolliott the wrestler, and Sophie Larkin Touchstone. This production played from February 27 to March 14 (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 379-80).

1894. Augustin Daly mounted a more traditional As You Like It on April 30 at Daly's Theatre (London). John Craig appeared as Orlando, Ada Rehan as Rosalind, George Clarke and Lloyd Lowndes as Jacques, James Lewis as Touchstone, and Sybil Carlisle as Celia. The play ran for eight performances (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 390-1).

1896. George Alexander mounted a production of As You Like It that ran for 115 performances; the play opened on December 2, 1896, at the St. James's Theatre (London) and closed on March 20, 1897. The principle players were Julia Neilson as Rosalind, George Alexander as Orlando, W. H. Vernon and H. H. Vincent as Jaques, Henry V. Esmond as Touchstone, Kate Phillips as Audrey, Fay Davis as Celia, and H. B. Irving (the son of Henry Irving) as Oliver (Wearing, 1890-99, I, 614).

1900. Ben Greet played Touchstone, A. S. Homewood Orlando, and Edith Wynne Matthison Rosalind in three matinee performances of As You Like it at the Comedy Theatre (London) in February (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 8).

1900. On April 23 Frank Benson and his company began the annual Shakespeare Festival at Stratford-upon-Avon. Among the players were Marion Terry as Rosalind in As You Like it and John Coleman as Pericles. The company also performed Othello, Macbeth, and The Merchant of Venice (Loney, I, 3).

1900. Alfred B. Cross played Orlando in a production of As You Like It at the Court Theatre (London) in November. Jaques was played by Norman Forbes, Touchstone by Harry Paulton, and Rosalind by Constance Stuart (Wearing, 1900-09, I, 57).

1901. Frank Benson's company gave ten performances of As You Like It at the Comedy Theatre (London); the play ran from February 27 to March 11 and Benson played Orlando. The cast also included Constance as Rosalind, George R. Weir as Touchstone, and Henry Ainley ar Jaques (Wearing, 1901-9, I, 78).

1904. April 18 marked Frank Benson's opening of the Stratford season with The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, and As You Like It, as well as eleven more of Shakespeare's plays. The festival lasted for three weeks this time rather than the usual two (Loney, I, 22).

1907. On March 4 Ben Greet's company returned to New York City's Garden Theatre. The plays in repertory included Macbeth, As You Like It, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Merchant of Venice. Among Greet's players were Sybil Thorndyke, Julia Perkins, and Sidney Greenstreet (Loney, i, 37).