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Faculty Bookshelf

Babb, Valerie

The Book of James: The Power, Politics, and Passion of LeBron
Black Georgetown Remembered: A History of Its Black Community from the Founding of "The Town of George" in 1751 to the Present Day
Ernest Gaines (Twayne's United States Authors Series)
A History of the African American Novel
Whiteness Visible: The Meaning of Whiteness in American Literature

Bahri, Deepika

Native Intelligence: Aesthetics, Politics, and Postcolonial Literature
Between the Lines: South Asians and Postcoloniality (Asian American History & Culture)
The Realms of Rhetoric: The Prospects for Rhetoric Education
Teaching Anglophone South Asian Women Writers
Postcolonial Biology: Psyche and Flesh after Empire

Brownley, Martine W.

Deferrals of Domain: Contemporary Women Novelists and the State
Women and Autobiography (The Worlds of Women Series)
Reconsidering Biography: Contexts, Controversies, and Sir John Hawkins's Life of Johnson
Mothering the Mind: Twelve Studies of Writers and Their Silent Partners
Clarendon and the Rhetoric of Historical Form

Cahill, Patricia A.

Unto the Breach: Martial Formations, Historical Trauma, and the Early Modern Stage

Cavanagh, Sheila T.

Multisensory Shakespeare and Specialized Communities (Shakespeare and Social Justice)
Wanton Eyes
Cherished Torment: The Emotional Geography of Lady Mary Wroth's Urania (Medieval & Renaissance Literary Studies)

Goodstein, Elizabeth S.

Georg Simmel and the Disciplinary Imaginary
Experience Without Qualities: Boredom and Modernity

Higgins, Geraldine

Heroic Revivals from Carlyle to Yeats
Seamus Heaney in Context
Brian Friel (Writers and Their Work)

Kalaidjian, Walter

The Cambridge Companion to American Modernism (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to Modern American Poetry (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
American Culture Between the Wars
The Edge of Modernism: American Poetry and the Traumatic Past (American Peotry and the Traumatic Past)

Kelleher, Paul

Making Love: Sentiment and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century British Literature (Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650–1850)

Keme, Emil'

Maya Nationalisms and Postcolonial Challenges in Guatemala
Le Maya Q'atzij/Our Maya Word: Poetics of Resistance in Guatemala (Indigenous Americas)
Teorizando las literaturas indígenas contemporáneas
ndigeneidad y descolonización : diálogos trans-hemisféricos
Maya Nationalisms and Postcolonial Challenges in Guatemala
Le maya q'atzij nuestra palabra maya premio casa de las americas 2020 de estudios sobre culturas y pueblos originarios

Klein, Lauren F.

Data Feminism (Strong Ideas)
An Archive of Taste: Race and Eating in the Early United States

Knecht, Ross

The Grammar Rules of Affection: Passion and Pedagogy in Sidney, Shakespeare, and Jonson

Ladd, Barbara

Resisting History
Nationalism and the Color Line
Oxford Literature
The North of the South

Magloire, Marina

We Pursue Our Magic: A Spiritual History of Black Feminism

Morey, James H.

Book and Verse: A Guide to Middle English Biblical Literature (Illinois Medieval Studies)
Prik of Conscience (Middle English Texts)
Jerome's Abbreviated Psalter: The Middle English and Latin Versions (Foundations) (English and Latin Edition)

Nickerson, Catherine Ross

The Web of Iniquity: Early Detective Fiction by American Women
The Cambridge Companion to American Crime Fiction (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

Reiss, Benjamin

The Cambridge History of The American Novel
The Showman
Theaters of Madness: Insane Asylums and Nineteenth-Century American Culture
Wild Nights
Keywords for Disability Studies

Sinykin, Dan

Big Fiction: How Conglomeration Changed the Publishing Industry and American Literature (Literature Now)
American Literature and the Long Downturn: Neoliberal Apocalypse

Suhr-Sytsma, Mandy

Self-Determined Stories: The Indigenous Reinvention of Young Adult Literature (American Indian Studies)

Suhr-Sytsma, Nathan

Poetry, Print, and the Making of Postcolonial Literature

Wright, Michelle

Physics of Blackness
Becoming Black: Creating Identity in the African Diaspora
Blackness and Sexualities
Domain Errors

Belflower, Kimberly

Lost Girl

Brown, Jericho

The New Testament
The Tradition
How We Do It

Christle, Heather

The Crying Book
Dear Seth
The Trees The Trees
What is Amazing
The Difficult Farm

Cooper, T

Changers Book Four: Forever
The Beaufort Diaries
A Fictional History of the United States (with Huge Chunks Missing)
Real Man Adventures
Lipshitz Six, or Two Angry Blondes
Kim (Changers Book 3)
Some of the Parts
Drew (Changers Book 1)
Oryon (Changers Book 2)
Man Made

Jones, Tayari

An American Marriage
The Untelling
Silver Sparrow
Atlanta Noir
Leaving Atlanta

KIibanoff, Hank

The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation

Skibell, Joseph

A Curable Romantic
A Blessing on the Moon: A Novel
My Father's Guitar and Other Imaginary Things
Six Memos from the Last Millennium: A Novelist Reads the Talmud (Exploring Jewish Arts and Culture)
The English Disease

Yanique, Tiphanie

I Am the Virgin Islands
Land of Love and Drowning: A Novel
Monster in the Middle: A Novel

Bosch, Daniel


Bauerlein, Mark

Civil Rights Chronicle (The African-American Struggle for Freedom)
The Dumbest Generation Grows Up: From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults
The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future(Or, Don 't Trust Anyone Under 30)
Literary Criticism: An Autopsy (Critical Authors and Issues)
Negrophobia: A Race Riot in Atlanta, 1906
Handbook of Literary Terms: Literature, Language, Theory
Handbook of Literary Terms: Literature, Language, Theory 3rd Edition
Literary Criticism: An Autopsy (Critical Authors and Issues)
Handbook of Literary Terms: Literature, Language, Theory (2nd Edition)
Whitman and the American Idiom

Foster, Frances Smith

Love and Marriage in Early African America (New England Library Of Black Literature)
Witnessing Slavery: The Development Of Ante-Bellum Slave Narratives (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography)
A Brighter Coming Day: A Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Reader
Written by Herself: Literary Production by African American Women, 1746–1892 (Blacks in the Diaspora)
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: A Norton Critical Edition (Norton Critical Editions)
Still Brave: The Evolution of Black Women's Studies
'Til Death Or Distance Do Us Part: Love and Marriage in African America
La Familia en Africa y la Diaspora Africana : Estudio Multidisciplinar / Family in Africa and the African Diaspora : A Multidisciplinary Approach
The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature
The Oxford Companion to African American Literature
The Norton Anthology of African American Literature
Teaching with the Norton Anthology of African American Literature
Minnie's Sacrifice, Sowing and Reaping, Trial and Triumph: Three Rediscovered Novels

Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie

About Us: Essays from the Disability Series of the New York Times
Disability Studies: Enabling the Humanities
Re-presenting Disability
Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in American Culture and Literature
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Disability
Freak Inheritance: Eugenics and Extraordinary Bodies in Performance
Staring: How We Look

Grimsley, Jim

My Drowning
Comfort & Joy
Mr. Universe
Kirith Kirin
Jesus Is Sending You This Message: Stories
Winter Birds
Forgiveness (James A. Michener Fiction Series)
The Ordinary
The Last Green Tree
Dream Boy

Johnston, John

Literature, Media, Information Systems
Carnival of Repetition
Information Multiplicity

Otis, Laura

Literature and Science in the Nineteenth Century: An Anthology (Oxford World's Classics)
Organic Memory: History and the Body in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (Texts and Contexts)
Refiner's Fire
The Memory Hive: A Novel
Banned Emotions: How Metaphors Can Shape What People Feel
Muller's Lab
Auf Wiedersehen: A Novel
Lacking in Substance
The Tantalus Letters: A Nove
Membranes: Metaphors of Invasion in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Science, and Politics (Medicine and Culture)
Networking: Communicating with Bodies and Machines in the Nineteenth Century (Studies In Literature And Science)
Rethinking Thought

Reed, Walter L.

Meditations on the hero: A study of the romantic hero in nineteenth-century fiction
Dialogues of the Word: The Bible as Literature According to Bakhtin
An exemplary history of the novel: The Quixotic versus the picaresque

Schuchard, Ronald

The Collected Letters of W.B. Yeats: Volume III: 1901-1904 (Yeats Collected Letters Series)
The Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats: Volume IV: 1905-1907 (Yeats Collected Letters Series)

Sitter, John E.

Arguments of Augustan Wit (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought, Series Number 11)
Literary Loneliness in Mid-Eighteenth-Century England
The Poetry of Pope's Dunciad
The Cambridge Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Poetry (Cambridge Introductions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

White, Deborah Elise

Romantic Returns: Superstition, Imagination, History
Haiti’s Literary Legacies: Romanticism and the Unthinkable Revolution