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James H. MoreyProfessor


Jim Morey came to Emory University in 1994 after his undergraduate education at Hamilton (AB 1983), graduate work at Cornell University (MA 1987, Ph.D. 1990), a Fulbright Scholarship to Iceland (1987-88), and four years of teaching at Texas Tech.

He teaches courses in Old and Middle English, including Chaucer, and his medieval interests extend from Old French and Old Norse literature to the Renaissance, with a concentration on religious literature and the vernacular Bible.

Currently he is working on a set of editions of Middle English biblical paraphrases. He is also a core faculty member in the Linguistics Program.


  • B.A., Hamilton College
  • M.A., Cornell University
  • Ph.D., Cornell University

Selected Articles

“The Wycliffites: Hosts or Guests, First Finders or Followers?” in The Wycliffite Bible: Origin, History, Interpretation, ed. Elizabeth Solopova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016): 85-104.

“Paul in Old and Middle English,” in A Companion to St. Paul in the Middle Ages, ed. Steven R. Cartwright (Leiden: Brill, 2013) 449-68.

“Chaucer, the ‘corones tweyne,’ and the Eve of Saint Agnes,” Traditio 62 (2007) 119-33.

“The Fates of Men in Beowulf,” in Source of Wisdom: Old English and Early Medieval Latin Studies in Honour of Thomas D. Hill, ed. Charles D. Wright, et al. (Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2007) 26-51.

“Torec, Cosmic Energy, and Pragmatism,” Arthuriana 17 (2007) 32-41.

“Middle English Didactic Literature,” in Readings in Medieval Texts, ed. David F. Johnson and Elaine M. Treharne (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005): 183-97.

"Plows, Laws, and Sanctuary in Medieval England and in the Wakefield Mactacio Abel," Studies in Philology 95 (1998): 41-55.

"The 'cultour' in the Miller's Tale: Alison as Iseult," Chaucer Review 29 (1995): 373-81.

"Latimer's 'Sermon on the Plough' and Spenser's Muiopotmos," Notes & Queries ns 42 (1995): 286-88.

"Legal and Spiritual Sanctuary in the Northern Homily Cycle and Piers Plowman B,XVII, 1-126," The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 93 (1994): 320-29.

"The Death of King John in Shakespeare and Bale," Shakespeare Quarterly 45 (1994): 327- 31.

"Peter Comestor, Biblical Paraphrase, and the Medieval Popular Bible," Speculum 68 (1993): 6-35.

"The Fall in Particulate," The Yearbook of Langland Studies 5 (1991): 91-97.

"Spenser's Mythic Adaptations in Muiopotmos," Spenser Studies IX (1991): 49-59.

"Adam and Judas in the Old English" Christ and Satan, Studies in Philology 87 (1990): 397- 409.

