Alexander's Page

Hello! My name is Alexander. My father is Philip and my mother is Marian. I was born in March, 1997, at the Yale University Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut. Here is one of my first pictures when I came home from the hospital. I must say that from the beginning I was pretty pleased with the way my life was shaping up!

I have lots of toys that I like to play with, but playing with Mommy and Daddy is the most fun. Daddy lets me climb all over him, and sometimes he flies me around the house so I can pretend that I am Superman. My Uncle Steven is kind of fun to play with, too.

But I have my serious side, too. Sometimes I just like to relax with a good book and enjoy a quiet moment. This picture was taken when I was about five months old.

Holidays are fun. My first Hallowe'en Mommy found a costume for me at the thrift shop (she paid $1 for it) and dressed me up. You know, sometimes it is hard for a guy to maintain his dignity when he is dressed like a pumpkin! My first Christmas was fun, too. I got lots of toys and books. Here I am with one of my favorites, The Night Before Christmas.

When we were in Connecticut we lived in an apartment in North Haven where we had a large yard with lots of flowers and plenty of room to wander about. Spring 1998 was really beautiful in Connecticut. Here I am ready to go outdoors.

This summer 1998 I have been busy with a lot of traveling. In June my family moved to a new apartment in Las Vegas, Nevada, where there is a grassy yard for me to play in; Mommy and I play out in the yard whenever we have a chance.

In July Mommy and I visited all four grandparents in Atlanta and then I got dressed up for a wedding in Knoxville, Tennessee. I went to the beach in August with my cousins Savannah and Kelly and the rest of Mommy's family for a reunion in South Carolina. Mommy thinks that is enough traveling for awhile!

One of my current interests is animals, and I am especially fond of lions; Mommy helped me build a "lion shrine," but it took me a while to rearrange it the way I wanted it. And like most guys, I am really interested in cars!

Gee, here it is Hallowe'en again! Last year I wore that pumpkin outfit, but this year Mommy put paint on my face and I was dressed as a lion (and you all know how much I love lions). I was not sure what all the fuss was about until Daddy took me out and I rang my first doorbell. Looking like a lion must be effective--the guy who answered the door gave me some candy. Hallowe'en is pretty neat!

Mommy got her hair cut in October, 1998. It is pretty hot out here in Las Vegas in the summer.

My Uncle Joe took this picture of me and my mother when we visited in Los Angeles at Thanksgiving, 1998. I like to look at pictures on the computer. I also saw my cousins again at Thanksgiving; here are the three of us. And here is a picture of my mother and father, too. And here is one more to show you.

Here we are back in Las Vegas with a picture of Daddy reading me a book about animals; as you can see, I have found a pretty comfortable seat! Just as a joke I climbed in the dryer and then they took a picture of me. As you can tell, I think this is pretty funny and a good trick to play!

The whole family went to Cincinnati to visit my great-grandmother at Christmas time. I had a lot fun visiting different places. Here we are at the botanical garden in Cincinnati. The man standing between my father and me is my Great Uncle Phil.

I had a lot of fun in these two pictures. I borrowed my grandfather's hat and my grandmother's necklaces and gloves and dressed up to show off a bit.

It is January 1999 and I went to Los Angeles to help my cousin celebrate her birthday. We put on paper hats and had a lot of fun. I like visiting my cousins.

In March my grandparents came out to see me and we all went to the Grand Canyon. I thought it was too high, but we still had a good time and my Mom took all kinds of pictures. When we told my Uncle Steven about it, he decided to come out and have a look at it himself! Here he is reading to me after Dad and Uncle Steven came back from the Canyon.

Easter was really interesting; first of all, I learned about coloring eggs and then finding them after the Easter Bunny hid them. I like holidays when you find good things to eat.

On Mother's Day 1999 I decided to make my own card to send to my grandmothers (Grammy and Nana Sue) and my great grandmother (Nini). They really liked the cards!

In September I went to Atlanta for my father's cousin's wedding. Does that make Erin my cousin-once-removed, or something like that? Anyhow, the wedding was fun and I got all dressed up for it (take a good look at that necktie). My uncle Steven came too, and here is a picture of him and my dad. That's me in the middle. My great-grandmother Gertie came down from Cincinnati for the wedding; Erin is her granddaughter. While we were in Atlanta I got to go to the zoo to see my favorite animals--lions, tigers, and elephants.

Here it is, Halloween again, but now the year is 2000. We don't live in an apartment anymore; we have our own house now. This year I was really lucky and got to dress up as a dinosaur! Daddy and Mommy (who decided she would have some fun too and dress like a jack-o-lantern) took me out to trick or treat. I got lots of treats, so I am a pretty happy boy. By the way, I will be four years old in March, 2001. Tempus fugit!

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Contact English Department
Last Update: October 01, 1999